Metapod: His True Intent

(Fan humor submitted by Jeremy Mikus)

As Omniverse pointed out, Metapod appears to have no use at all.
This however is where all of you are wrong!!

"Hi I'm metapod? Aren't I so great? Oh, don't think so eh? Then just sit back and read."

Yes that's right folks! You can own your own Metapod SEX toy! Only $9.99!
Sure you may say: "But he's described as having a weak and tender body. And he's so small!"
But watch! With his HARDEN ability that quickly changes!:

Subliminal Message: Aren't I so sexy?
Hey, I grow!

Still not good enough? Well the fact that he is alive does away with any need for batteries!
How about some famous name testimony?

John Romero: "I bought my green Metapod, and ever since, I've been loving life! Oh god! OH GOD YES! METAPOD!! GO METAPOD!!! HARDEN!!!!!!!"

There you have it folks, even the ex-greats love the Metapod Sex Toy. So go ahead, order yours today!

Metapod not guaranteed to be alive or unused upon arrival.